Solutions > Blue Collar Worker

Blue Collar Worker

Diversity and inclusion of all employees are crucial for companies. With HRinstruments, you can involve your entire workforce, including logistics, shop floor, warehouse, and more, in all feedback processes. This works without the need for company devices, fixed workstations, or email access. It’s digital, GDPR compliant, and straightforward. 

Blue Collar Dashboard on Desktop and Mobile

Blue Collar Feedback with HRinstruments

Beyond the Desk

The Underestimated Role of Blue Collar Employees in the Company

It is essential to involve all employees in feedback processes to strengthen employee engagement and reduce turnover in the face of skilled labor shortages. In particular, the feedback, desires, and needs of blue-collar employees should be at the top of the priority list. This group of workers often suffers from high workloads. The lack of focus on their needs is a key reason for resignations. 

Blue Collar Worker female

Customized Feedback Solution for Blue Collar Workers

By acknowledging the importance of blue-collar workers in the feedback process, their unique perspectives can be utilized to create a more inclusive, responsive, and successful workplace.

Diversity in Focus

Integrating Blue Collar Employees for a Comprehensive Company Perspective

Blue-collar workers are often excluded from employee surveys because they do not have fixed workstations. However, giving all employees a voice has many benefits: 

Diverse perspectives

Blue-collar workers often have unique insights into daily operations and challenges, providing a comprehensive picture of the company. 

Improved engagement

Involving blue-collar workers in feedback processes demonstrates that every employee’s opinion matters, leading to higher engagement and a sense of appreciation among them. 

Compliance with legal and ethical regulations

Ensuring that employee surveys are inclusive helps companies demonstrate their commitment to fair employment practices and supports compliance with legal and ethical regulations. 

Reduced turnover and absenteeism

Actively addressing concerns raised by blue-collar workers can contribute to a more satisfying work environment, thereby reducing turnover rates and absenteeism. 

Blue Collar Dashboard on Desktop and Mobile

From Data to Action

How the Results of Employee Surveys Lead to Positive Changes for Blue Collar Employees

Discover how HRinstruments can integrate your blue-collar employees into digital feedback processes. Contact our team today to schedule a personal demo and explore the future of employee feedback. 


Our Feedback Tool


The dashboard is your central point of contact. You have a clear overview of all ongoing processes and feedback, with quick access to templates. Additionally, you gain initial insights into the reports of completed surveys. Our dashboards are tailored to your specific needs and can be easily customized. 

Scientific Expertise

Asking the right questions is crucial for obtaining meaningful results. That’s why our questionnaires are based on well-founded scientific insights developed by Prof. Dr. Simon Werther and our expert team with extensive practical experience. We prioritize ensuring content validity, construct validity, and criterion validity in questionnaire development. Furthermore, we provide access to a comprehensive pool of topics and questions, along with ready-to-use templates. 

Comprehensive Reporting

Automated and tailored reports enable in-depth analyses, serving as the foundation for people analytics. Amidst the data deluge, each report includes helpful graphics for visualization and meaningful interpretation aids. 


You can personalize both the tool interface and reports to align with your corporate identity. Questionnaire and report contents can also be highly tailored to your preferences. 


Planning surveys across different locations? Standard languages like English are already integrated into the tool. However, surveys are better received when they can be completed in the respondents’ native language.

Why HRinstruments

Regardless of whether your deskless workers are in the warehouse, logistics, or on the shop floor, we can reach all employees in your company thanks to anonymous and digital surveys.

Proven Success Concept: 
Join a group of satisfied customers from your industry who have successfully improved their workplace culture with our feedback software. 

Dedicated Expert Support: 
Our experts will assist you in optimizing your surveys for your blue-collar employees. We ensure that you get the most out of our platform. 

Continuous Innovation: 
Benefit from regular updates and new features that are aligned with industry best practices, ensuring that your surveys keep pace with the evolving workplace.

Our advantages

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100% GDPR Compliant

Ensuring complete anonymity is the cornerstone of fostering a robust feedback culture. Your data protection is paramount to us, which is why we prioritize adherence to the BDSG and EU GDPR regulations, ensuring stringent data protection and IT security measures. Rest assured, our services are exclusively hosted in Germany, without the involvement of third-party service providers. 

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Tailored Customization

Empower your organization’s identity with our highly customizable employee survey tool. From dashboard layout to report aesthetics, tailor every aspect to align seamlessly with your corporate identity, reinforcing trust and confidence among your employees. 

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Dedicated Personal Support

Experience unparalleled support with our team of dedicated experts, committed to delivering prompt responses in accordance with service level agreements. From onboarding to survey evaluation, we’re by your side every step of the way, assisting you in crafting impactful questions and initiating data-driven follow-up actions. 

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Scientifically Rigorous Questionnaires

Rely on meticulously crafted questionnaires. Our questionnaires are based on scientific grounding, developed by both Prof. Dr. Simon Werther and our expert team with extensive practical experience. Naturally, we combine this with practical relevance and insights gathered from our numerous clients.

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Seamless Integration


Streamline your workflows and enhance efficiency with seamless integration capabilities through our HRinstruments API. Connect our employee survey tool effortlessly with popular HR management systems such as SAP SuccessFactors, simplifying your daily operations and saving valuable time. 

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Automated Insightful Reports


Receive clear and actionable insights through automated reports delivered post-survey. Leveraging comprehensive data, unlock the power of people analytics to inform and shape a data-driven HR strategy, driving organizational success. 


Frequently Asked Questions about Feedback for Blue Collar Workers

The term ‘Blue Collar employees’ encompasses all employees in the company who typically perform manual tasks, such as in production, manufacturing, construction, trades, mining, and similar fields. However, we use the term ‘Blue Collar’ in a broader sense to refer to all employees who do not work at a desk or have access to a PC. This includes, for example, individuals in retail, healthcare, hospitality, or other industries where work mainly takes place outside of a traditional office environment.

That’s not a problem. With HRinstruments, you can survey your employees even without their own email address. For existing customers, participation, for example, can be done via mobile phones or terminals provided to all employees. 

With our feedback software, you have the option to select only relevant topics for your Blue Collar workforce. This makes the survey shorter and more relevant for this group of employees.

Since conducting written employee surveys involves a high organizational effort (distribution, evaluation, etc.) or challenges such as the more difficult compliance with data protection, we advise against conducting surveys with pen and paper in today’s modern and digital working world. Do you need assistance in setting up a digital feedback landscape? We are happy to advise you. 

We understand that it can sometimes be challenging to keep Blue Collar employees in the loop. However, this is essential for their participation in a company-wide employee survey. With our extensive experience, we can ensure tailored, participation-promoting communication. 

Ansprechpartner Dr. Michael Wendt

Dr. Michael Wendt

CEO of HRinstruments

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