Products > People Analytics

People Analytics

People are at the center – And precisely because employees are the most important resource in your company, personnel decisions should not be made based on gut feeling or intuition. People Analytics provides you with fact-based, actionable insights you need to understand what’s really happening in your company. 

Dashboard der HRinstruments Feedback Software, Übersicht verschiedener Feedbackformate

Navigating the Data Jungle

Clearing the Path to Defined HR Strategies with Feedback Software and Analytics

The volume and complexity of data sets can be overwhelming. We assist you in shedding light on the metrics jungle. With HRinstruments, you’ll receive: 

More than just numbers

How Smart Feedback and People Analytics Guide the Way

With our People Analytics solution, you can delve deep into turnover rates, engagement rates, employee satisfaction, productivity, absenteeism rates, and many other metrics, always incorporating your survey results. This provides you with a data-driven and nuanced view of your workforce. Do you need assistance interpreting your data or have a specific case you’d like to analyze? We’re here to advise you. 

Schedule a free consultation with our analytics experts now.


Laptop auf dem Schoß einer Person mit Dashboard von der HRinstruments Feedback Software
Dashboard of HRinstruments Feedback Software about a Employee Survey

Feedback Fusion

How the Synergy of People and Data Drives Your Company Forward

Feedback tools and People Analytics go hand in hand. By integrating these elements, your company can develop a deeper understanding of employee performance, motivation, engagement, and satisfaction. 

This combination allows you, for example, to take targeted measures for employee development and retention based on informed data from platforms such as Personio and the feedback you receive from employee surveys, 360-degree feedback, etc. 

From Data to Dynamics

How the Integration of Feedback and Analytics Revolutionizes Your HR Management

You have the data, we have the know-how. Integrating HRinstruments with your HR software is seamless. Through an interface, you provide the existing personnel data, and we take care of the rest. The combination of existing data and results from employee feedback offers incredible opportunities. 

Would you like to learn about the factors associated with high employee engagement and how you can use this information to increase the engagement of all employees? Or are there signs of negative employee experience, often associated with decreasing motivation, and you want to improve this as soon as possible? 

We provide the expertise to find out exactly that. Moreover, we can identify trends and support you in data-driven decision-making processes. 

Application of People Analytics and Employee Feedback


We are here to support you in evaluating measures and to show you where potential problems and thus the need for action lie. Our vision is not only to show you that there is a problem but also to explain in detail why this problem exists. For example: 


Problem Analysis

We identify issues and provide a detailed explanation of their causes. 


After identifying problem areas, concrete measures need to be developed.

Measurable Results

After implementing measures, further surveys and People Analytics are conducted to measure how effective they were. 

Data-based Evaluation

Similar to the principle of A/B testing, we offer a data-driven evaluation to determine whether the measures taken have brought the desired success. 

Based on the results, we provide clear recommendations for action on whether the measures should be continued or alternative approaches should be considered. 

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100% Anonymous and Data Protection Compliant

Anonymous surveys are a prerequisite for a successful feedback culture. We prioritize the protection of your data, and therefore, data protection and IT security under the BDSG and EU-GDPR are of the utmost importance to us. Our services are provided entirely in Germany without the involvement of additional service providers. 

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Our feedback software offers a high degree of customization and automation. You can customize dashboards and reports to match your corporate identity guidelines, thereby further strengthening the trust of your employees. 

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Analytics Experts

We provide you with a personal contact from our Analytics Team and guarantee response times within the Service Level Agreements. From onboarding kick-off to project evaluation, we are here for you. We help you ask the right questions and make data-driven decisions based on the data obtained.

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Navigating the Data Jungle

Our experts are available to assist you with the analysis and interpretation of your data. People Analytics with HRinstruments provides profound insights that go beyond the survey results. 

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Integration of Interfaces

With the HRinstruments API, we can simplify your daily work routine, save time, and integrate our feedback tool with common human resources management systems such as Personio, Workday, etc. The combination of your personnel data and the results of our surveys becomes a competitive advantage. 

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Detecting Patterns

With HRinstruments, we can identify patterns together in your data. This allows us not only to address symptoms but also to address root causes and prevent employee dissatisfaction before it even arises. 




Frequently Asked Questions about People Analytics

People Analytics refers to the application of data analysis, statistics, and interpretation of HR data to gain insights into employee behavior, performance, and engagement, for example. 

All data from the HR context can be used. We are happy to determine which data are relevant for your context or inquiry with you. Examples can include data from areas such as employee performance and development, turnover and promotion, compensation, and benefits. 

Challenges may include data privacy concerns, employee acceptance, and the availability and quality of data. HR data is often spread across various databasessoftware solutions and may need to be integrated initially. We are happy to assist you in combining the data and further utilization. It is important to consider these factors during implementation. 

It is not always clear in advance what results will arise from the analyses, as this also depends heavily on the quality of the data. However, we are committed to communicating transparently with our partners, creating a kind oftransparency agreementto honestly and clearly inform about all aspects of our approach. 

The connection between People Analytics and feedback software supports a proactive personnel strategy based on evidence, focusing on factors such as satisfaction, productivity, and employee retention. While pure People Analytics platforms may show you high turnover rates in some areas, HRinstruments works with you to understand why this is the case. 

Machine learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are often used to identify patterns in large datasets and make predictions. When used in the HR context, sensitivity is crucial to maintain employee acceptance. We are happy to assist you in implementing and deploying these technologies while considering the sensitivity of the subject matter. 

Ansprechpartner Dr. Michael Wendt

Dr. Michael Wendt

CEO of HRinstruments

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