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Feedback for Managers

In the quest to drive individuals or teams to peak performance, leaders often encounter the hurdle of gathering structured feedback from employees to enhance their own effectiveness. However, many employees hesitate to provide candid feedback to their superiors for various reasons. By offering an anonymous feedback avenue processed through a third party, employees can freely express their opinions without the fear of repercussions. 


Leadership Feedback with HRinstruments

With our feedback tool for leaders, we provide managers with the opportunity to better recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and to work on their personal and professional development with targeted focus, thereby uncovering potential blind spots. This aids them in continuously enhancing their leadership qualities and becoming an inspiring, empathetic, and competent leader for their employees. 

Leadership with Foresight

Unleashing Potential

Feedback for managers supports performance measurement regarding goal achievement and alignment with organizational objectives. Through constructive feedback, leaders can monitor their individual performance, track progress, and take targeted actions to enhance their effectiveness, contributing to the overall success of the company. Performance measurement helps assess leadership performance and identify areas for improvement. This approach is highly data-driven and can be seamlessly integrated with employee feedback sessions and thus performance management. 

Performance Management bei HRinstruments

Leadership with Foresight​

Unlocking Success in Effective Management

Through feedback, managers can reflect on their strengths and weaknesses, uncover blind spots, and further develop their skills. To achieve this, the assessments and experiences of employees play a significant role and thus must be regularly and systematically collected. 

Leadership with Foresight​​

Optimizing Team Performance and Collaboration

Feedback from employees, team members, and superiors allows managers to better understand team dynamics and, if necessary, identify and resolve conflicts or communication issues early on. Feedback for managers enables them to adjust their leadership strategies and create a positive work environment that enhances team performance and collaboration. 

Our Feedback Tool


The dashboard is your central point of contact. You have a clear overview of all ongoing processes and feedback, with quick access to templates. Additionally, you gain initial insights into the reports of completed surveys. Our dashboards are tailored to your specific needs and can be easily customized. 

Scientific Expertise

Asking the right questions is crucial for obtaining meaningful results. That’s why our questionnaires are based on well-founded scientific insights developed by Prof. Dr. Simon Werther and our expert team with extensive practical experience. We prioritize ensuring content validity, construct validity, and criterion validity in questionnaire development. Furthermore, we provide access to a comprehensive pool of topics and questions, along with ready-to-use templates. 

Comprehensive Reporting

Automated and tailored reports enable in-depth analyses, serving as the foundation for people analytics. Amidst the data deluge, each report includes helpful graphics for visualization and meaningful interpretation aids. 


You can personalize both the tool interface and reports to align with your corporate identity. Questionnaire and report contents can also be highly tailored to your preferences. 


Planning surveys across different locations? Standard languages like English are already integrated into the tool. However, surveys are better received when they can be completed in the respondents’ native language.

Dashboard of the HRinstruments Feedback Software about 360 degree feedback

Driving Growth and Development

As with all our feedback tools, we hold ourselves to the highest standards in designing our questionnaires. Specifically for feedback for leaders, we emphasize the following points:

Validity and Reliability: We only inquire about the strengths and weaknesses of the leader, not their popularity, for instance. 

Objectivity and Relevance: Only competencies and behaviors are evaluated, not subjective judgments or unrealistic expectations that provide no basis for action. 

Differentiation: The aim is to assess competencies that the individual can improve upon, rather than criticizing unchangeable personality traits. 

More Clarity, More Success

Why a Feedback Tool for Managers is Important

With feedback for managers, you gain a highly strategic tool that addresses the specific needs and requirements of leaders. This not only allows seasoned managers to continuously work on their development but also provides the opportunity to discover and nurture potential leaders. 

Crucial for the development of your managers: 

Our advantages

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100% GDPR Compliant

Ensuring complete anonymity is the cornerstone of fostering a robust feedback culture. Your data protection is paramount to us, which is why we prioritize adherence to the BDSG and EU GDPR regulations, ensuring stringent data protection and IT security measures. Rest assured, our services are exclusively hosted in Germany, without the involvement of third-party service providers. 

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Tailored Customization

Empower your organization’s identity with our highly customizable employee survey tool. From dashboard layout to report aesthetics, tailor every aspect to align seamlessly with your corporate identity, reinforcing trust and confidence among your employees. 

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Dedicated Personal Support

Experience unparalleled support with our team of dedicated experts, committed to delivering prompt responses in accordance with service level agreements. From onboarding to survey evaluation, we’re by your side every step of the way, assisting you in crafting impactful questions and initiating data-driven follow-up actions. 

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Scientifically Rigorous Questionnaires

Rely on meticulously crafted questionnaires. Our questionnaires are based on scientific grounding, developed by both Prof. Dr. Simon Werther and our expert team with extensive practical experience. Naturally, we combine this with practical relevance and insights gathered from our numerous clients.

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Seamless Integration


Streamline your workflows and enhance efficiency with seamless integration capabilities through our HRinstruments API. Connect our employee survey tool effortlessly with popular HR management systems such as SAP SuccessFactors, simplifying your daily operations and saving valuable time. 

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Automated Insightful Reports


Receive clear and actionable insights through automated reports delivered post-survey. Leveraging comprehensive data, unlock the power of people analytics to inform and shape a data-driven HR strategy, driving organizational success. 


Frequently Asked Questions about Feedback for Managers

Management feedback is a feedback process centered around the leader as the recipient of feedback. They are the only individual who receives feedback. 

The process is similar to other feedback methods, such as 360-degree feedback. Feedback is provided based on a questionnaire, with the leader receiving feedback from their employees. The responses are automatically aggregated into a report provided to the leader. The discussion of the results is an open dialogue, which may follow a structured format but should still allow for genuine exchange and not merely involve the leader presenting the results. 

Typically, the emphasis is on developing personal leadership competencies. Alongside leadership styles, general work-related behaviors, key competencies, and desired values, additional topics such as diversity or agility can also be integrated into focused leadership feedback. Embedding leadership feedback into organizational processes of cultural change and organizational development is crucial, as it also involves strategically aligning leaders with a unified leadership model or key company values. 

Management Feedback focuses exclusively on leaders. They receive feedback on their leadership and can enhance or expand their skills accordingly. 360-degree feedback can be obtained from all employees, regardless of the individual. The recipient then receives feedback from all sides and hierarchical levels regarding their work style. 

In Management Feedback, the feedback providers typically include the employees of the respective leader. Sometimes, other groups or individuals from other teams, or in specific cases external individuals (such as freelancers), may also be integrated. It is essential to ensure that they can also assess the leadership behavior of the feedback recipient. Alternatively, a 360-degree feedback with a specific thematic focus might be appropriate. 

The follow-up process in Management Feedback must always occur within each organizational unit, meaning every leader engages with the employees who provided feedback to discuss the results. This dialogue is more critical than the results themselves, as the feedback process is seen in a systemic sense as clarification and relationship building. However, on the development level, exchanging views on the results is essential, as the most meaningful and helpful measures can be reflected upon in the joint dialogue. It is also possible for the leader to provide feedback to the employees, initiating a mutual, appreciative feedback process that extends beyond the results of Leadership Feedback, resulting in measures for the personal and professional development of the feedback-providing employees. 


Dr. Michael Wendt

CEO of HRinstruments

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